Archive of posts with category 'Voiceover'

What goes into a voice over booth

There are a number of elements that each play a part in me being able to produce professional quality voice over recordings from my home studio. One of the most...

What goes into building a professional-quality home-studio for voice overs

Lots of voice over artists are now working out of home studios as the desire to be in enclosed spaces with multiple people and limited ventilation, has been somewhat reduced...

Voiceover microphones I've known and loved

Choosing a voice over microphone for your home studio can be a tricky decision. With so many different mic’s out there, ranging in price from a few pounds up to...

Throwback Thursday - Stoneacre Motor Group Advertising Voiceover

Stoneacre Motor Group is one of my longest standing clients with me being their brand voice over from around 2010 right up to 2022. During that time I provided radio...

Throwback Thursday - Student Finance England Animation Voiceover

This is an explainer video voice over I did for a series of animations commissioned by Student Finance England. These were created to explain a number of different topics related...

Throwback Thursday - Pitchero Explainer Video Voiceover

This is a voice over I did for a digital design agency called Tall. They created a fantastic looking animated piece for their client Pitchero that needed a sporty but...

Throwback Thursday - Converse and Google Plus Voiceover

This is a voice over I did for the Converse and Google Plus “Hack a Chuck” promo video. The “Hack a Chuck” project got creatives from around the world to...

Throwback Thursday - BMW Voiceover

This is a web video/slide-show for BMW that I provided the voice over for. The video was produced by Hurricane Media with my part recorded at SNK Studios in London....

Throwback Thursday - 2021 Rugby League World Cup Bid Video Voiceover

Here’s me battling through a cold to voice the video for England’s winning bid for the 2021 Rugby League World Cup. The bid centred on bringing Rugby League back to...

The first post in my new blog

I recently saw Jonathan Shalit saying if you come out of the current Coronavirus lockdown without learning a new skill then it wasn’t ever because you lacked time.